
Type: unit
Category: Leader
Categories: CHAOS, CLANS ESHIN, DEATHMASTER, HERO, SKAVEN, 9 or less wounds Leader, Leader, Eshin Hero
EntryId: d595-7c6e-e4d6-b37e
Hidden: false
Costs: 140 pts
Options (9)
Skaven Warscroll Battalions:
Incarnate Bonding:


Unit MoveWoundsBraverySave





Unit Abilities
Eshin Toxins

If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made by this unit is 6, the target suffers D3 mortal wounds and the attack sequence ends (do not make a wound roll or save roll).

Hidden Killer

When you select this unit to be part of your army, you can pick 1 CLANRATS or STORMVERMIN unit on your army roster to be the unit in which this unit is hiding. Record this information on a separate p piece of paper. Do not set up this unit until it is revealed as described next. You cannot hide more than 1 DEATHMASTER in the same CLANRATS or STORMVERMIN unit.

At the start of the combat phase, if this unit is hidden, you can reveal it. In addition, if the unit in which this unit is hidden is destroyed ,you must reveal this unit before the last model in the unit in which it is hidden is removed from play. When you reveal this unit, set it up wholly within 3" of the unit in which it is hidden. If this unit was revealed because the unit in which is was hidden was destroyed, this unit suffers 1 mortal wound after it is set up.

Running Death

This unit can run and still shoot later in the turn.


1+ **Pitched Battle GHB 2023** in roster (recursive)
Used By (1)
Chaos - Skaven(Catalogue)