Lord Discordant on Helstalker

Type: model
Category: HQ
Categories: Helstalker, Lord Discordant, HQ, Faction: Chaos, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Character, Vehicle, Daemon, Daemon Engine, Faction: Traitoris Astartes
LinkId: 89a0-1098-6ee9-d917
Hidden: false
Costs: 9 PL175 pts
Options (17)
Battle Honours:
Battle Honours (Codex):
Rules (2)
Daemon Engine
- This model has a 5+ invulnerable save.
- In your Command phase, this model regains 1 lost wound.
Let the Galaxy Burn
See page 145 of Codex: Chaos Space Marines


Lord Discordant on Helstalker










Corrupt Machine Spirits

In your Command phase, this model can corrupt either one enemy VEHICLE model within 9", or one friendly VEHICLE model within 9":

  • If it corrupts an enemy model, roll a number of D6 equal to the Wounds characteristic of that model: for each 6, that model's unit suffers 1 mortal wound (to a maximum of 6 mortal wounds).
  • If it corrupts a friendly model, until the start of your next Command phase, each time that model makes a melee attack, add 1 to that attack's hit roll.
    Each model can only be corrupted once per turn.
Spirit Thief

If this model destroys one or more enemy VEHICLE models with a melee attack, then until the end of the battle, it can use the Corrupt Machine Spirits ability twice in your Command phase.


add category Cogs of Vashtorr
1+ Army of Renown - Cogs of Vashtorr in force (recursive)
add category Disciples of Be'lakor
add category Faction: Alpha Legion
1 Alpha Legion in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Black Legion
1 Black Legion in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Creations of Bile
1 Creations of Bile in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Emperor's Children
1 Emperor's Children in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Iron Warriors
1 Iron Warriors in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Night Lords
1 Night Lords in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Red Corsairs
1 Red Corsairs in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Slaanesh
1 Emperor's Children in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Word Bearers
1 Word Bearers in force (recursive)
add category Legion Disciples
add category Warlord - AL
1 Warlord in parent (recursive)
1 Alpha Legion in force (recursive)
add category Warlord - BL
1 Warlord in parent (recursive)
1 Black Legion in force (recursive)
add category Warlord - CoB
1 Warlord in parent (recursive)
1 Creations of Bile in force (recursive)
add category Warlord - EC
1 Warlord in parent (recursive)
1 Emperor's Children in force (recursive)
add category Warlord - IW
1 Warlord in parent (recursive)
1 Iron Warriors in force (recursive)
add category Warlord - NL
1 Warlord in parent (recursive)
1 Night Lords in force (recursive)
add category Warlord - RC
1 Warlord in parent (recursive)
1 Red Corsairs in force (recursive)
add category Warlord - WB
1 Warlord in parent (recursive)
1 Word Bearers in force (recursive)
set hidden true
set hidden true
Used By (1)