Creations of Bile

Type: upgrade
EntryId: 8f74-81f3-7093-69e4
Hidden: false


max: 1


Experimental Enhancements:
  • Add 1" to the Movement characteristic of models with this trait and add 1 to the Strength characteristic of models with this trait.
  • Each time a model with this trait is destroyed by a melee attack, if that model has not fought this phase, roll one D6: on a 4+, do not remove it from play. The destroyed model can fight after the attacking model’s unit has finished making attacks, and is then removed from play. When making these attacks, if any of the destroyed model’s characteristics change as it suffers damage, for the purposes of determining what characteristics on its profile to use, the destroyed model is considered to have 1 wound remaining.
Disciples of Shadows:

LEGION DISCIPLES units in your army gain the Disciples of Shadows ability, described below

  • Each time a Combat Attrition test is taken for this unit, add 1 to that Combat Attrition test.
  • Each time a ranged attack targets this unit, if the attacker is more than 12" away, subtract 1 from that attack's hit roll.
Techinfernal Loci:
  • If this unit has the DAEMON ENGINE keyword, it is always considered to be engaged in Wanton Destruction, Wanton Massacre and Wanton Slaughter (see Codex: Chaos Space Marines).
  • If this unit does not have the Daemon Engine keyword, it is never considered to be engaged in Wanton Destruction, Wanton Massacre and Wanton Slaughter.