Dark Apostle

Type: unit
Category: HQ
Categories: HQ, Faction: Chaos, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Faction: Traitoris Astartes, Priest, Infantry, Character, Dark Apostle
LinkId: 90e9-a050-5bb2-5325
Hidden: false
Costs: 5 PL95 pts
Options (16)
Battle Honours:
Battle Honours (Codex):
Rules (1)
Let the Galaxy Burn
See page 145 of Codex: Chaos Space Marines


Icons of Destruction:

Models in this unit have a 4+ invulnerable save.

Demagogue (Aura):

While a friendly CORE, DAEMONKIN or CULTISTS unit is within 6" of this model, models in that unit can use this model's Leadership characteristic instead of their own.


This unit's DARK APOSTLE model knows Dark Zealotry and one other prayer from the Prayers to the Dark Gods. In your Command phase, this unit's DARK APOSTLE model can attempt to chant one prayer it knows that has not already been attempted by a friendly model this turn. Roll one D6: on a 3+, the prayer is heard and takes effect until the start of your next Command phase. Each time a prayer chanted by this unit's DARK APOSTLE model is heard, measure distances and draw line of sight from that DARK APOSTLE model.

Blissful Devotion:

If this prayer is heard, select one friendly SLAANESH CORE or SLAANESH CHARACTER unit within 6" of this PRIEST. That unit is eligible to declare a charge in a turn in which it advanced.

Feculent Beseechment:

If this prayer is heard, select one friendly NURGLE CORE or NURGLE CHARACTER unit within 6" of this PRIEST. Add 1 to the Toughness characteristic of models in that unit.

Mutating Invocation (Aura):

If this prayer is heard, then while a friendly TZEENTCH CORE or TZEENTCH CHARACTER unit is within 3" of this PRIEST, roll one D6 each time a model in that unit would lose a wound: on a 6, that wound is not lost.

Wrathful Entreaty:

If this prayer is heard, select one friendly KHORNE CORE or KHORNE CHARACTER unit within 6" of this PRIEST. Each time a model in that unit makes an attack, it is considered to be engaged in Wanton Destruction, Wanton Massacre and Wanton Slaughter for that attack.

Dark Zealotry (Aura):

If this prayer is heard, then while a friendly CORE, CULTISTS or CHARACTER unit is within 6" of this PRIEST, each time a model in that unit makes a melee attack, you can re-roll the hit roll.

Dark Apostle











add category Cogs of Vashtorr
1+ Army of Renown - Cogs of Vashtorr in force (recursive)
add category Disciples of Be'lakor
add category Faction: Alpha Legion
1 Alpha Legion in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Black Legion
1 Black Legion in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Creations of Bile
1 Creations of Bile in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Emperor's Children
1 Emperor's Children in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Iron Warriors
1 Iron Warriors in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Night Lords
1 Night Lords in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Red Corsairs
1 Red Corsairs in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Slaanesh
1 Emperor's Children in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Word Bearers
1 Word Bearers in force (recursive)
add category Legion Disciples
add category Warlord - AL
1 Warlord in parent (recursive)
1 Alpha Legion in force (recursive)
add category Warlord - BL
1 Warlord in parent (recursive)
1 Black Legion in force (recursive)
add category Warlord - CoB
1 Warlord in parent (recursive)
1 Creations of Bile in force (recursive)
add category Warlord - EC
1 Warlord in parent (recursive)
1 Emperor's Children in force (recursive)
add category Warlord - IW
1 Warlord in parent (recursive)
1 Iron Warriors in force (recursive)
add category Warlord - NL
1 Warlord in parent (recursive)
1 Night Lords in force (recursive)
add category Warlord - RC
1 Warlord in parent (recursive)
1 Red Corsairs in force (recursive)
add category Warlord - WB
1 Warlord in parent (recursive)
1 Word Bearers in force (recursive)
set max(force) 1
Used By (1)