Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition
Chaos - Chaos Knights
Battle Honours
Battle Honours
Options (2)
Battle Honours (Codex):
Battle Traits:
Chaos Knight Suit:
1. Bestial Onslaught
2. Graven Hull
3. Unholy Vitality
4. Warding Totems
5. Heedless of Destruction
6. Idol of Annihilation
Fallen Noble:
1. Dark Champion
2. Conqueror of Worlds
3. Cruel Hunter
4. Arch-fiend
5. Profane Knowledge
6. Profane Prophecy
Iconoclast Household:
1-2. Knight of Blades
3-4 Relentless Destroyer
5-6 Gloryseeker
Infernal Houshold:
1-2 Warp-fire Reactor
3-4 Engine of Spite
5-6 Infernal Dread
Crusade Relics:
Antiquity Relics:
Icon of Damnation
Shades of Ruin
Artificer Relics:
Craadekh's Throne of Sacrifice
Damned Crucible
The Harbinger's Chains
Legendary Relics:
Helm of the Dread Knight
Pacts and Damnations:
1 Warp-rage
2 Boon of Flesh
3 Warp Fugue
4 Forsaken
5 Warp Tethered
6 Cursed Machine Spirit
Exalted Pact:
1-2 Protection of the Pantheon
3-4 Dreadlord
5-6 Glory to Chaos
Greater Pact:
1 Mark of Destruction
2 The Eightfold Eye
3 Fury of the Warp
4 Echoes of Damnation
5 Cursed Ground
6 Soul Hunger
Lesser Pact:
1 Favored Knight
2 Swift Ascension
3 Living Hull
4 Unholy Swiftness
5 Dread Blessing
6 Strength of the Damned
Battle Honours (Crusade - BRB):
Battle Traits:
1. Swift and Agile
2. Heroic Constitution
3. Resilient
4. Deadly Charge
5. Inspiring Hero
6. Tactical Experience
1. Unstoppable
2. Apex Predator
3. Thickened Hide
4. Frenzied
5. Regenerates
6. Terrifying
1. Fleet of Foot
2. Veteran Warriors
3. Grizzled
4. Headhunters
5. Cool Headed
6. Battle Tested
1. Enhanced Engines
2. Elite Crew
3. Improved Shielding
4. Armorbane
5. Repair Systems
6. Blessed Hull
Crusade Relics:
Antiquity Relics:
Archeotech Nano-med
Blackstone Shard Amulet
Dark Age Displacer Belt
Xenotech Digital Lasers
Artificer Relics:
Artificer Weapon
Artisan Bionics
Conversion Field
Frenzon Injector
Laurels of Victory
Master Crafted Armor
Legendary Relics:
Null-field Disruptor
Vortex Grenade
Psychic Fortitudes:
1-2. Psychic Might
3-4. Adamantium Will
5-6. Master of Lore
Weapon Enhancements:
Melee Weapons:
1. Heirloom
2. Razor-edged
3. Brutal
4. Finely Balanced
5. Shredder
6. Fleshbane
Ranged Weapons:
1. Auto-loader
2. Armour Piercing
3. High Calibre
4. Improved Sights
5. Accelerator
6. Master Worked
set hidden true
Narrative (Crusade)
in roster (recursive)
Used By (19)
Chaos - Chaos Knights/Chaos Acastus Knight Asterius
Chaos - Chaos Knights/Chaos Acastus Knight Porphyrion
Chaos - Chaos Knights/Chaos Cerastus Knight Acheron
Chaos - Chaos Knights/Chaos Cerastus Knight Atrapos
Chaos - Chaos Knights/Chaos Cerastus Knight Castigator
Chaos - Chaos Knights/Chaos Cerastus Knight Lancer
Chaos - Chaos Knights/Chaos Questoris Knight Magaera
Chaos - Chaos Knights/Chaos Questoris Knight Styrix
Chaos - Chaos Knights/Knight Abominant
Chaos - Chaos Knights/Knight Desecrator
Chaos - Chaos Knights/Knight Despoiler
Chaos - Chaos Knights/Knight Rampager
Chaos - Chaos Knights/Knight Tyrant
Chaos - Chaos Knights/War Dog Brigand Squadron/War Dog Brigand
Chaos - Chaos Knights/War Dog Executioner Squadron/War Dog Executioner
Chaos - Chaos Knights/War Dog Huntsman Squadron/War Dog Huntsman
Chaos - Chaos Knights/War Dog Karnivore Squadron/War Dog Karnivore
Chaos - Chaos Knights/War Dog Moirax Squadron/War Dog Moirax
Chaos - Chaos Knights/War Dog Stalker Squadron/War Dog Stalker