Hive Fleet

Type: upgrade
Category: Configuration
Categories: Configuration
LinkId: 9e04-2019-313e-0259
Hidden: false


max(force): 1
min(force): 1
Options (3)


Hive Fleet Adaptations

If every unit from your army (excluding HIVE TENDRIL LIVING ARTILLERY and UNALIGNED units) is from the same hive fleet, all HIVE TENDRIL units with this ability, and all models within them, gain a Hive Fleet Adaptation. The Hive Fleet Adaptation gained is dependant upon which hive fleet they are from.

If your hive fleet does not have an associated Hive Fleet Adaptation, you must instead create a new Hive Fleet Adaptation for them, as described on pages 60-61. This allows you to customise the rules for your hive fleet to best represent their fighting style. In either case, write down all of your Detachments' Hive Fleet Adaptations on your army roster.


Each Hive Fleet Adaptation also has an Adaptive element to it, which can be swapped out for another rule at the start of the battle, after determining who has the first turn. There are multiple alternative rules that this Adaptive element can be swapped out for, and each hive fleet's Hyper-adaptations rule will specify which ones are available to you.

Used By (1)