Special-Issue Wargear

EntryId: 81fa-73cf-0cea-37a0
Hidden: false


max: 1
max(roster): 0
Options (12)
Relics of the Watch Fortresses:


set hidden true
ancestor is not Character
0 Stratagem: Khan's Champion in parent (recursive)
0 Stratagem: Honoured Sergeant in parent (recursive)
0 Stratagem: Marked for Command in parent (recursive)
0 Stratagem: Favor of the Ravenspire in parent (recursive)
0 Stratagem: Master Artisans in parent (recursive)
0 Stratagem: Gift of the Phalanx in parent (recursive)
0 Stratagem: Revered Repositories in parent (recursive)
0 Stratagem: Thane of the Retinue in parent (recursive)
0 Stratagem: Angel Ascendant in parent (recursive)
0 Stratagem: Scion of the Forge in parent (recursive)
set max(roster) -1
0 PC: BT in force (recursive)
set max(roster) 1
1 Stratagem: Revered Repositories in roster (recursive)
Used By (65)