Tempestus Scions

Type: unit
Category: Troops
Categories: Faction: Tempestus Scions, Faction: Astra Militarum, Faction: Imperium, Infantry, Core, Platoon, Troops
LinkId: 2bc3-24ca-2a31-9376
Hidden: true
Costs: 5 PL
Options (4)
Battle Honours:


Aerial Drop

During deployment, you can set up this model in a high altitude transport, ready to deploy via grav-chute, instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your movement phases the model can make an aerial drop - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models.

Regimental Tactics

If every model from your army (excluding AGENT OF THE IMPERIUM and UNALIGNED models) has the ASTRA MILITARUM keyword:
- Each time an OFFICER from your army issues a Regimental or Prefectus Order to a unit with this ability, you can select one or more friendly PLATOON units within 6" of that unit; those PLATOON units are also affected by that Order.
- Each time an OFFICER from your army issues a Mechanised Order (see right) to a unit with this ability, you can select one or more other friendly SQUADRON units within 6 of that unit; those SQUADRON units are also affected by that Order

Storm Troopers

Each time a model in this unit makes an attack, an unmodified hit roll of 6 scores an additional hit


append name [Legends]
1+ Power maul in self (recursive)
1+ Power axe in self (recursive)
set PL 10
6+ model in Tempestus Scions (recursive)
set hidden false
1+ Militarum Tempestus Detachment in force (recursive)
set hidden true
1+ Brood Brothers in force (recursive)
Used By (1)