Allegiance: Soulblight Gravelords

Type: upgrade
EntryId: b72d-5ec7-bade-32e1
Hidden: false
Options (2)


Battle Trait
Deathless Minions

Friendly SOULBLIGHT GRAVELORDS units have a ward of 6+.

Deathly Invocation

In your hero phase, you can pick up to 3 friendly SOULBLIGHT GRAVELORDS SUMMONABLE units wholly within 12" of a friendly SOULBLIGHT GRAVELORDS HERO. You can either heal up to 3 wounds allocated to that unit or, if no wounds have been allocated to that unit, you can return a number of slain models to it that have a combined Wounds characteristic of 3 or less. Add 1 to the number of slain models that are returned to that unit if it is wholly within 12" of a gravesite. You cannot pick the same unit to benefit from this ability more than once per phase.

Endless Legions

At the end of the movement phase, you can pick 1 friendly SOULBLIGHT GRAVELORDS SUMMONABLE unit that has been destroyed and roll a dice. Add 1 to the roll if it is your movement phase.

If you pick a SUMMONABLE unit that is not a HERO, on a 4+, a new replacement unit with half of the models from the unit that was destroyed (rounding up) is added to your army. That unit must be set up wholly within 12" of a friendly SOULBLIGHT GRAVELORDS HERO or gravesite and more than 3" from all enemy units if it is your turn or more than 9" if it is the enemy turn, and it cannot attempt to charge or make pile-in moves in the same turn. Each destroyed unit can only be replaced once - replacement units cannot themselves be replaced.

If you pick a SUMMONABLE HERO, on a 4+, you set up that HERO wholly within 12" of a friendly SOULBLIGHT GRAVELORDS HERO or gravesite, more than 3" from all enemy units if it is your turn or more than 9" of it is the enemy turn and with 3 wounds allocated to it. That HERO cannot attempt a charge or make a pile-in move in the same turn. You cannot pick the same HERO to benefit from this ability more than once per battle.

The Unquiet Dead

After territories are determined, you can pick up to 2 points within your territory and up to 2 points anywhere on the battlefield outside your territory to be gravesites. Each gravesite must be more than 1" from all terrain features and objectives. If both players can set up gravesites at the same time, or if one player can set up faction terrain features at the same time as the other player can set up gravesites, they must roll off, and the winner chooses who sets up their faction terrain features or gravesites first.

During deployment, instead of setting up a SOULBLIGHT GRAVELORDS SUMMONABLE unit on the battlefield, you can place it to one side and say that it is set up in the grave as a reserve unit. You can set up 1 unit in the grave for each unit you have set up on the battlefield. At the end of your movement phase, you can set up 1 or more of the reserve units on the battlefield wholly within 12" of a gravesite and more than 9" from all enemy units.

Used By (2)