Ongoing Sposorships

Type: upgrade
Category: Team Management
Categories: Team Management
LinkId: 1b1e-fb58-dad2-14e6
Hidden: false


max: 1
Options (2)
Rules (1)
Ongoing Sposorship
If a team takes an Ongoing Sponsorship, make a note of this on their roster. During Step 1 of the post-game sequence of every future game ... roll a D6:

• On the roll of a 1, one randomly selected player from your team has upset the Sponsors somehow and has received a visit from a pair of ‘brand ambassadors’. The selected player must miss the next game, exactly as if they had suffered a 7-9, Seriously Hurt result on the Casualty table. If the selected player is already missing the next game, this roll has no further effect.
• On the roll of 2+, the players are well-behaved and no one upsets the Sponsors.

Teams can have any number of Ongoing Sponsorships – however, the roll to see whether the Sponsors are happy must be made for each one!

Immediately after rolling to see whether the Sponsors are happy or not, you can choose to end any Ongoing Sponsorships, deleting them from the team’s roster.


set hidden true
primary-catalogue is College of Beasts
primary-catalogue is College of Metal
primary-catalogue is College of Life
primary-catalogue is Fabulous Freebooters
primary-catalogue is College of Fire
primary-catalogue is College of Light
primary-catalogue is College of Heavens
primary-catalogue is College of Shadow
primary-catalogue is College of Death
primary-catalogue is All Star Players
1+ Exhibition in roster
Used By (1)
Blood Bowl(Catalogue)