Star Insurance Guild

Type: upgrade
EntryId: b896-4f0e-5ea3-f3c1
Hidden: false


max: 1
Rules (1)
Star Insurance Guild
A team
sponsored by the S.I.G. has the following special rules:
• If a permanently hired player belonging to a team sponsored by the S.I.G. suffers a Casualty result of 15-16, DEAD, and is removed from the team roster during the post-game sequence, the team immediately receives a pay-out. The amount paid out is equal to half of that player’s Current Value (rounding each up to the nearest 5,000 gold pieces).
• Once all dead players have been removed, roll a D6. If the result is equal to or lower than the number of players that were removed from the roster, the Guild’s agents have arrived to collect their due! The team must immediately pay 2D6 x 10,000 gold pieces. If it cannot afford to, its treasury is emptied and the deal with S.I.G. comes to an end. D3 randomly selected, permanently hired players go mysteriously absent and must miss the next game, exactly as if they had suffered a 7-9, Seriously Hurt result on the Casualty table. Record on the team’s roster that it is now on the S.I.G. blacklist and cannot be sponsored by them ever again.

A coach can choose to end their deal with the Star Insurance Guild in the same way as an Ongoing Sponsorship.