
Type: model
Categories: Faction: Tyranids, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: , Infantry, Character, Biophagus, Elite Character
EntryId: 9571-059a-f964-80e8
Hidden: false
Costs: 2 PL40 pts
Options (8)
Rules (2)
During deployment, you can setup this unit in ambush instead of setting it up on the battlefield. If this unit is an INFANTRY or BIKER unit, you can set up this unit underground instead of setting it up on the battlefield or in ambush.
Unquestioning Loyalty
Each time a saving throw made for a <CULT> CHARACTER model from your army is failed, you can select one other friendly <CULT> or BROOD BROTHERS model with this ability within 3" of that CHARACTER model and take an Unquestioning Loyalty test. To do so, roll one D6, adding 1 to the result if that CHARACTER model is a PATRIARCH model: on a 4+, the test is passed and that CHARACTER model does not suffer damage. Instead, the friendly model you selected is destroyed and the attack sequence ends.












Genomic Enhancement

This model can perform the following action:
Twisted Experiment (Action): At the end of your Movement phase, one BIOPHAGUS model from your army can start to perform this action. When this action is started, select one friendly CORE or ABERRANTS unit that is within 3" of the model performing this action and does not have a genomic enhancement (see below). This action is completed at the end of your Shooting phase, provided the unit you selected is still within 3" of the BIOPHAGUS model performing this action. If this action is successfully completed, the unit you selected gains one genomic enhancement from the list below for the rest of the battle. If that unit is an ABERRANTS unit, you can select which genomic enhancement it gains, otherwise, roll one D3 to randomly generate one.

Injector Goad

Each time this model fights, after it makes its attacks, select one enemy model (excluding a VEHICLE or TITANIC model) that lost any wounds but was not destroyed as a result of an attack made by this model's injector goad. Roll one D6: if the result is greater than that model's Wounds characteristic, that model is destroyed.

Genomic Enhancement
Enhanced Aggression

Each time a model in this unit makes a melee attack, an unmodified hit roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit.

Enhanced Musculature

Each time a model in this unit makes a melee attack, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1.

Enhanced Resilience

Each time a model in this unit would lose a wound, roll one D6: on a 5+, that wound is not lost.

Used By (1)