Canis Wolfborn

Type: model
Category: HQ
Categories: Faction: Adeptus Astartes, Cavalry, Character, HQ, Faction: Imperium, Faction: Space Wolves, Wolf Guard, Canis Wolfborn, Company Champion
LinkId: 6382-0f00-d3b9-7541
Hidden: false
Costs: 100 pts6 PL


max(roster): 1
Options (7)
Rules (1)
Angels of Death
This unit has the following abilities: And They Shall Know No Fear, Bolter Discipline, Shock Assault and Combat Doctrines.


Born of Wolves (Aura)

While a friendly SPACE WOLVES CAVALRY, SPACE WOLVES BEAST or SPACE WOLVES CHARIOT unit is within 6" of this model, each time that unit fights, until that fight is resolved, each model in that unit can make 1 additional attack with its teeth and claws or crushing teeth and claws, or 2 additional attacks with its flurry of teeth and claws.

Honour or Death

This model is eligible to perform a Heroic Intervention if it is within 6" horizontally and 5" vertically of any enemy unit, instead of 3" horizontally and 5" vertically. Each time this model makes a Heroic Intervention move, so long as it ends that move either closer to the closest enemy model or within Engagement Range of an enemy CHARACTER unit, it can move up to 6". All other rules for Heroic Interventions still apply.

Martial Superiority

At the start of the Fight phase, if this model is within Engagement Range of any enemy CHARACTER units, it can fight first that phase.

Savage Fury

Whilst the Assault Doctrine is active, if an unmodified hit roll of 6 is made for an attack made with a melee weapon by a unit with this ability, that attack scores 1 additional hit on the target.

Swift Hunters

This unit is eligible to declare a charge with even if it Advanced this turn. In addition, each time this unit makes a pile-in move or consolidation move, models in this unit can move an additional 1".

Canis Wolfborn











set hidden true
1+ Hide Firstborn Units in force (recursive)
set hidden true
1+ Army of Renown - Vanguard Spearhead in force (recursive)
set hidden true
set hidden true
0 Space Wolves in force (recursive)
Used By (1)