Chaos Spawn

Type: unit
Category: Fast Attack
Categories: Fast Attack, Beast, Faction: Chaos, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Faction: Traitoris Astartes
EntryId: 512a-769d-0ce6-3e5c
Hidden: false
Options (3)
Battle Honours:
Battle Honours (Codex):
Rules (1)
Let the Galaxy Burn
See page 145 of Codex: Chaos Space Marines


Mutated Beyond Reason:

This unit cannot perform actions. The first time this unit is selected to fight in each Fight phase, roll one D3: until the end of the phase, this unit gains the relevant mutation from the table below.

Hideous Regeneration:

Each time an enemy unit shoots or fights, after it has finished making its attacks, if any model in this unit lost any wounds as a result of those attacks but was not destroyed, that model immediately regains all of its lost wounds.

Fearsome (Aura):

While an enemy unit is within 6" of this unit, subtract 1 from the Leadership characteristic of models in that unit.

Mutated Beyond Reason
1 - Razor Claws:

Change the Armour Penetration characteristic of hideous mutations models in this unit are equipped with to -4.

2 - Grasping Pseudopods:

Change the Attacks characteristic of models in this unit to 3D3.

3 - Toxic Haemorrhage:

Each time a model in this unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the wound roll.


add category Disciples of Be'lakor
add category Faction: Alpha Legion
1 Alpha Legion in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Black Legion
1 Black Legion in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Creations of Bile
1 Creations of Bile in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Emperor's Children
1 Emperor's Children in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Iron Warriors
1 Iron Warriors in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Night Lords
1 Night Lords in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Red Corsairs
1 Red Corsairs in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Slaanesh
1 Emperor's Children in force (recursive)
add category Faction: Word Bearers
1 Word Bearers in force (recursive)
add category Legion Disciples
set max(force) 1
Used By (1)