Regiment of Renown - Elthwin's Thorns

Type: upgrade
Category: Core Battalion
Categories: Core Battalion
LinkId: f8b8-9ebb-40c8-fdb3
Hidden: false
Costs: 310 pts


max(roster): 1
Options (2)
1 Arch-Revenant:
5 Gossamid Archers:


Battalion Abilities
Flight of the Zephyrspites

If the GOSSAMID ARCHERS unit in this regiment of renown is within 3" of the ARCH-REVENANT in this regiment of renown when you roll a 2+ to retreat using its Zephyrspites ability, instead of retreating, you can remove both units from the battlefield, then immediately set them up again so that the GOSSAMID ARCHERS unit is wholly within 3" of a terrain feature, the ARCH-REVENANT is wholly within 3" of the GOSSAMID ARCHERS unit, and both units are more than 9" from all enemy units.

Gossamid Champion

Add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made by the GOSSAMID ARCHERS unit in this regiment of renown while it is wholly within 12" of the ARCH-REVENANT in this regiment of renown.


One-drop Deployment (see 26.2.1).

Used By (8)
Order - Lumineth(Catalogue)
Order - Seraphon(Catalogue)