Idoneth Deepkin Warscroll Battalion: Royal Council

Type: upgrade
Category: Warscroll Battalion
Categories: Warscroll Battalion, Idoneth Deepkin Warscroll Battalion
LinkId: 9af8-bc88-5646-514f
Hidden: false
Options (3)
Isharann Soulscryer:
Isharann Tidecaster:


Command Abilities
Give Them No Respite

You can use this command ability in your hero phase if the Akhelian King from this battalion is your general, and the Isharann Tidecaster and Isharann Soulscryer from this battalion are within 3" of the general. If you do so, pick up to three friendly IDONETH DEEPKIN units that are wholly within 12"of your general. Add 3" to the Move characteristic of the units you pick until your next hero phase.

Used By (1)