Battalion: Xintil War-Magi

Type: upgrade
Category: Warscroll Battalion
Categories: Warscroll Battalion
EntryId: 3d16-3f47-ec8f-f43f
Hidden: true
Options (3)
1 Battlemage:
1 Celestial Hurricanum with Celestial Battlemage:
1 Luminark of Hysh:


Battalion Abilities
Beacon of Intellect

When you use the Searing Beam of Light ability for the Luminark of Hysh from this battalion, you can re-roll the roll that determines if a unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. In addition, when you use the Aura of Protection ability for the Luminark of Hysh from this battalion, add 1 to the roll that determines if a wound or mortal wound is negated.


set hidden false
1 Settler's Gain in roster (recursive)
Used By (1)