Gloomspite Gitz Warscroll Battalion: Squiggly Hangerz-On

Type: unit
Category: Warscroll Battalion
Categories: Warscroll Battalion, Gloomspite Gitz Warscroll Battalion, Battalion
EntryId: 217c-85be-e1f3-6722
Hidden: true


Battalion Organisation
Warscroll Battalion: Squiggly Hangerz-On

1 Squigboss with Gnasha-squig
1-3 Squig Herd units
1-3 Sneaky Snufflers units
0-4 Squig Hoppers or Boingrot Bounderz units

Battalion Abilities
Spreading Loonacy

Add the number of the current battle round to the Bravery characteristic of units in this battalion.


set hidden false
1+ selections of Gloomspite Gitz in roster (recursive)
set hidden true
1+ selections of Trugg's Troggherd in roster (recursive)
Used By (1)