Steelhelm's Sporting Emporium

Type: upgrade
EntryId: b9a6-7016-995e-4be0
Hidden: false


max: 1
Rules (1)
Steelhelm's Sporting Emporium
A team sponsored by Steelhelm’s Sporting Emporium has the following special rules:

• When a permanently hired player belonging to a team sponsored by Steelhelm’s Sporting Emporium randomly selects a new Skill, either Primary or Secondary, you may re-roll one or both of the D6. However, you must accept the result of the re-roll even if the Skill generated is less desirable (note, however, that if the Skill rolled when rolling or re-rolling the second D6 is one that the player already has or cannot take, you may re-roll the dice as normal).
• There is a chance that a player will injure themselves when training intensively. Once a new Primary skill has been selected, roll a D6. Once a new Secondary skill has been selected, roll two D6:
- If a 1 is rolled on either of the D6, the player must miss the next game, exactly as if they had suffered a 7-9, Seriously Hurt result on the Casualty table. 
- If a 1 is rolled on both dice, the player must miss the next game and suffers a Niggling Injury, exactly as if they had suffered a 10-12, Serious Injury result on the Casualty table.

A coach can choose to end their deal with Steelhelm’s Sporting Emporium in the same way as an Ongoing Sponsorship.