McMurty's Burger Emporium

Type: upgrade
EntryId: db1d-f2ad-dabd-86fd
Hidden: false


max: 1
Rules (1)
McMurty's Burger Emporium
A team sponsored by McMurty’s Burger Emporium has the following special rules:

• A team that is sponsored by McMurty’s Burger Emporium gains an extra team re-roll for the first half of each and every game they play. If this team re-roll is not used during the first half, it may be carried over into the second half.
• McMurty’s might make fine food, but sadly their fare is somewhat fattening and doesn’t make an ideal diet for athletes! Players on a team sponsored by McMurty’s Burger Emporium cannot improve either their MA or AG characteristic while the Sponsorship is ongoing.

A coach can choose to end their deal with McMurty’s in the same way as an Ongoing Sponsorship.