Book of the Reviler (non-Priest)

Type: upgrade
EntryId: 14eb-0b7a-8805-7c13
Hidden: false


max: 1
max(roster): 1


Book of the Reviler (non-Priest):

Ifanon-Priest model has this Relic, it gains the RIEST keyword. In your Command phase, it can attempt to chant one prayer it knows that has not already been attempted by a friendly model that battle round. Roll one D6: on a 3+, the prayer is heard. The bearer knows Dark Zealotry and one other prayer from the Prayers to the Dark Gods (pg 120-121).

Book of the Reviler (non-Priest):

Dark Zealotry and one other prayer from the Prayers to the Dark Gods (pg 120-121).


add category Priest
set hidden true
0 Word Bearers in force (recursive)
set hidden true
ancestor is not Character
ancestor is Priest