Corsair Reaver Band [Legends]

Type: unit
Category: Troops
Categories: Infantry, Troops, Faction: Aeldari, Faction: Anhrathe, Faction: , Corsair Reaver Band
LinkId: 1002-5c44-6ae9-aa99
Hidden: false
Costs: 2 PL
Options (2)
Rules (1)
Reckless Abandon [LEGENDS]
This unit is eligible to perform Heroic Interventions as if it were a CHARACTER.


Ally of Convenience:

If your army is Battle-forged: • This unit can be included in a or Detachment and models in that Detachment can still gain their Detachment abilities.• The inclusion of this unit in your army does not prevent Asuryani or Drukhari units in your army from using any rules that require every model in your army to have the Asuryani or Drukhari keywords


set PL 4
set PL 6
set hidden true
set hidden true
1+ Ynnari: Strength From Death in force (recursive)
Used By (2)
Aeldari - Drukhari(Catalogue)