Abilities |
Terrain Feature (Skyshield): After this model is set up, it is treated as an Obstacle terrain feature with the following terrain traits, as described in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book:
Landing Pad Configuration: When this model is set up, select either the Shielded or Unfurled configuration to be in effect. While there are any SKYSHIELD LANDING PADS on the battlefield, INFANTRY units in your army can attempt the following action, as described in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book: Change Configuration (Action): At the end of your Movement phase, one INFANTRY unit from your army that is within 3" of a SKYSHIELD LANDING PAD terrain feature can start to perform this action provided no enemey units are within 3" of that terrain feature. The action is completed at the end of your turn. Once completed, you can change the configuration that is in effect for this terrain feature. |
Shielded: While this configuration is in effect, this terrain feature loses its Exposed Position terrain trait and all models on top of this terrain feature receive a 6+ invulnerable save against ranged attacks. This invulnerable save does not apply if the firing model is also on top of this terrain feature. |
Unfurled: While this configuration is in effect, AIRCRAFT units from your army can perform the following action, even though AIRCRAFT cannot normally perform actions, as described in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book: Repair and Rearm (Action): At the end of your Shooting phase, one AIRCRAFT unit from your army (excluding those with the Airborne ability) that is on top of a friendly SKYSHIELD LANDING PAD with the Unfurled configuration in effect can start to perform this action. The action is completed at the end of your next Movement phase provided that AIRCRAFT is still on top of the same SKYSHIELD LANDING PAD. Once completed, that model:
Each AIRCRAFT model can only perform this action once during a battle. |