Meiotic Spores

Type: unit
Category: Fast Attack
Categories: Faction: Hive Tendril, Faction: Living Artillery, Faction: Tyranids, Fly, Spore, Fast Attack
LinkId: 7c79-3bee-090a-e576
Hidden: false
Options (1)


Float Down (Meiotic Spores)

During deployment, you can set up this unit in the upper atmosphere instead of on the battlefield. If you do, then in the Reinforcements step of your Movement phase you can set up this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models.

Floating Death (Meiotic Spores)

At the end of the charge phase, if a model in this unit is within 3" of any enemy units, it explodes. Each time a Meiotic Spore explodes, roll one D6; on a 2-3, the closest enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. On a 4+, the closest enemy unit suffers 3 mortal wounds. That Meiotic Spore model is then destroyed.

Living Bombs (Meiotic Spores)

This unit automatically passes Morale tests. Furthermore, this unit is discounted for the purposes of any victory conditions - they never award victory points and do not count towards the number of models controlling an objective.


set hidden true
1+ Army of Renown - Crusher Stampede in roster (recursive)
Used By (1)