Cult Creed

Type: upgrade
EntryId: 1f06-b5e7-f263-d979
Hidden: false


max(force): 1
min(force): 1
Options (2)


Cult Creed

All GENESTEALER CULTS units with this ability, and all models in them, gain a Cult Creed provided every unit in their Detachment that belongs to a cult belongs to the same cult. The Cult Creed gain depends on which cult they belong to, as shown on the following pages.

If your cult does not have an associated Cult Creed, it is known as a Myriad Cult and you must instead create your own Cult Creed for them, as described on pages 62-63; this allows you to customise the rules for your Myriad Cult. In either case, write down all your Detachments' Cult Creeds on your army roster.

Used By (1)