DX-6 Remora Stealth Drones

Type: unit
Category: Flyer
Categories: Flyer
LinkId: e7fd-778a-f48c-7457
Hidden: false
Options (1)
Rules (2)
Hard to Hit
Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this model in the Shooting phase.
This model cannot charge, can only be charged by units that can FLY, and can only attack or be attacked in the Fight phase by units that can FLY.


Cloaked Insertion

During deployment, you can set up this unit cloaked in the sky instead of setting it up on the battlefield. If you do, then in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases you can set up this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models.

Hover Drone

In your Command phase, this model can hover. If it does, then until the start of your next Command phase, its Move characteristics becomes 15" and it loses the Airborne and hard to Hit abilities.

Stealth Field Technology

Each time a ranged attack is made against this unit, it is treated as having the benefits of light cover against that attack.


set hidden true
1+ Hide Non-Battlesuit Units in force (recursive)
Used By (1)
T'au Empire(Catalogue)