House Hawkshroud

Type: upgrade
Categories: Faction: House Hawkshroud
EntryId: ddb2-fc05-2aa4-d8b8
Hidden: false


max: 1


Household Tradition

Models with this tradition whose characteristics can change as they suffer damage are considered to have double the number of wounds remaining for the purposes of determining what those characteristics are.

When you are determining which Chivalric abilities are active for IMPERIAL KNIGHTS models in your army, provided your army is not Dishonoured, models with this tradition count the number of Honour points your army currently has as being 1 higher than it actually is. This may mean that different Chivalric abilities are active for models with this tradition than are active for other IMPERIAL KNIGHTS models in your army.


set hidden true
1+ Questor Mechanicus in parent (recursive)
0+ Questor Allegiance Oath in self (recursive)