Mukaali Riders [Legends]

Type: unit
Category: Fast Attack
Categories: Cavalry, Faction: Astra Militarum, Faction: Imperium, Mukaali Riders, Fast Attack
LinkId: 2fd8-ef31-ce41-6227
Hidden: false
Costs: 3 PL
Options (2)


Flanking Manoeuvres

During deployment, you can set this unit up behind enemy lines instead of setting them up on the battlefield. If you do, then in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases you can set up all of these units wholly within 6" of the same battlefield edge and more than 9" away from enemy models.


increment PL 3
set hidden true
1+ Hide Legends Units in force (recursive)
set hidden true
1+ Militarum Tempestus Detachment in force (recursive)
set hidden true
1+ Boarding Patrol in roster
Used By (1)