Harald Deathwolf

Type: model
Category: HQ
Categories: HQ, Faction: Space Wolves, Faction: Adeptus Astartes, Cavalry, Character, Harald Deathwolf, Faction: Imperium, Captain
EntryId: 6410-3efe-14bc-a30f
Hidden: false
Costs: 120 pts7 PL


max(roster): 1
Options (8)
Rules (2)
Angels of Death
This unit has the following abilities: And They Shall Know No Fear, Bolter Discipline, Shock Assault and Combat Doctrines.
During deployment, if every model in this unit has this ability, then you can set up this unit behind enemy lines instead of setting it up on the battlefield. If you do, then in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases you can set up this unit wholly within 6" of any battlefield edge and more than 9" away from any enemy models


Lord of the Wolfkin (Aura):

While a friendly SPACE WOLVES CAVALRY or SPACE WOLVES BEAST unit is within 6" of this model, models in that unit can use this model’s Leadership characteristic instead of their own.

Mantle of the Troll King:

Each time an attack is allocated to this model, subtract 1 from the Damage characteristic of that attack (to a minimum of 1).

Savage Fury:

Whilst the Assault Doctrine is active, if an unmodified hit roll of 6 is made for an attack made with a melee weapon by a unit with this ability, that attack scores 1 additional hit on the target.

Rites of Battle (Aura):

While a friendly Space Wolves Core unit is within 6" of this model, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, re-roll a hit roll of 1.

Swift Hunters:

This unit is eligible to declare a charge with even if it Advanced this turn. In addition, each time this unit makes a pile-in move or consolidation move, models in this unit can move an additional 1".

Harald Deathwolf











set hidden true
1+ Hide Firstborn Units in force (recursive)
set hidden true
1+ Army of Renown - Vanguard Spearhead in force (recursive)
set hidden true
Used By (1)