
Type: model
Categories: Faction: Adepta Sororitas, Faction: Adeptus Ministorum, Character, Diagolus, Faction: Imperium, Infantry, Sanctified, Priest, Elite Character
EntryId: c456-37fc-f55a-84a2
Hidden: false
Costs: 50 pts3 PL
Options (9)
Rules (3)
Acts of Faith
One Miracle Die is generated at the start of each Player Turn.

Once per phase, one unit from your army with this ability can perform one Act of Faith using Miracle dice on the following dice rolls:
Advance, Charge, Hit, Wound, Saving throw, Damage; Morale test

There's an ENTIRE PAGE of rules for Acts of Faith/Miracle dice in the Codex on page 91. I'm not typing that in, and you should have them memorized by now, anyway.

Shield of Faith
Models in this unit have a 6+ invulnerable save.

In your opponent's Psychic phase, this unit can attempt to deny one psychic power as if it were a PSYKER. Each time a Deny the Witch test is take for this unit, roll one D6 instead of 2D6: if the result of that test was an unmodified result of 6, or if it was greater than the result of the Psychic test, that Deny the Witch test is passed.
Sacred Rites
This unit gains a bonus depending on which sacred rites are active for your army. After players have determined their mission, you must select one sacred rite from the following table to be active for your army. Alternatively, you can randomly determine two sacred rites from the table to be active for your army by rolling two D6 and looking up the results (if a double is rolled, roll both dice again until two different results are rolled). In either case, these sacred rites are active for your army until the end of the battle. Some rules can make additional sacred rites become active for a unit during the battle. Duplicated active sacred rites on that unit have no additional effect.

1. Hand of the Emperor:
While this sacred rite is active, add 1 to Advance rolls and charge rolls made for this unit.

2. Spirit of the Martyr:
While this sacred rite is active, each time a model in this unit is destroyed by a melee attack and does not explode, roll one D6, on a 6, after the attacking model's unit has finished making its attacks, it suffers 1 mortal wound (a unit can suffer a maximum of 6 mortal wounds per phase as the result of this ability).

3. Aegis of the Emperor:
While this sacred rite is active, each time this units uses its Shield of Faith ability to take a Deny the Witch test, if the result of that test was an unmodified result of 5+, or it it was greater than the result of the Psychic test, that Deny the Witch test is passed.

4. Divine Guidance:
While this sacred rite is active, each time a model in this units makes a ranged attack, on an unmodified wound roll of 6, the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack is improved by 1.

5. The Passion:
While this sacred rite is active, each time a model in this unit makes a melee attack, an unmodified hit roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit.

6. Light of the Emperor:
While this sacred rite is active, you can ignore any or all modifiers to this unit's Leadership characteristic, and each time a Combat Attrition test is taken for this unit, you can ignore any or all modifiers.


Laud Hailer (Aura):

While a friendly ADEPTA SORORITAS CORE or ADEPTA SORORITAS CHARACTER unit is within 6" of this model, add 1 to the Leadership characteristic of models in that unit.

Stirring Rhetoric (Aura):

While a friendly ADEPTA SORORITAS unit is within 6" of this model, each time that unit (or a model in that unit) performs an Act of Faith you can increase or decrease the value of 1 Miracle Dice (or 1 Cherub Dice) by 1 before you use it to perform that Act of Faith (to a maximum of 6 and a minimum of 1). This is not cumulative with any other abilities that can increase or decrease the value of a Mirace Dice or a Cherub Dice.


This model knows War Hymn and one other hymn from the Hymns of Battle. In your Command phase, if this model is on the battlefield, it can intone one hymn it knows that has not already been intended by a friendly model this turn. Roll one D6: on a 3+, the intoned hymn is inspiring and takes effect until the start of your next Command phase.

Non-militant Order:

If your army is Battle-forged, then for each Detachment that includes either a CANONESS or CANONESS SUPERIOR unit, one DIALOGUS unit can be included in that Detachment without taking up a Battlefield Role slot.











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