In The Footsteps of Saints

Type: upgrade
EntryId: 4a57-b0a8-213f-d96f
Hidden: false


max: 1
Options (1)


In The Footsteps of Saints

You cannot select this Order Minoris conviction if you have selected any other Order Minoris conviction, and if you select this conviction you cannot select a second. Select one of the following Orders Miltant: Order of Our Martyred Lady, Order of the Valorous Heart, Order of the Bloody Rose, Order of the Ebon Chalice, Order of the Argent Shroud, Order of the Sacred Rose.

- Use the Order conviction of the Order Militant you selected as listed on page 58-63.
- If a CHARACTER model with this conviction gains a Warlord Trait, they can have an Orders Militant Trait associated with the Order Militant you selected, instead of a Warlord Trait from page 72. If a CHARACTER has such a Warlord Trait, replace all instances of the Order Militant keyword on that Warlord Trait (e.g. ORDER OF OUR MARTYRED LADY), if any, with the name Order Militant that this CHARACTER is from.
- Unless the only units with this conviction are part of an Auxiliary Support, Super-heavy Auxiliary and/or Fortification Network Detachment, you will gain access to the Orders Militant Stratagems associated with this Order Militant you selected. When using such a Stratagem, replace all instances of the Order Militant keyword on that Stratagem (e.g. ORDER OF OUR MARTYRED LADY), with the Order Militant that the units with this conviction have.