Rapier Laser Destroyer Battery

Type: upgrade
Category: Heavy Support
Categories: Artillery, Vehicle, Rapier Laser Destroyer, Faction: Astra Militarum, Regimental, Platoon, Artillery, Faction: Chaos, Heavy Support, Infantry, Renegade Crew, Faction: Renegades and Heretics, Vehicle
LinkId: 2937-50dd-2515-3094
Hidden: false
Options (1)


Regimental Tactics

If every model from your army (excluding AGENT OF THE IMPERIUM and UNALIGNED models) has the ASTRA MILITARUM keyword:
- Each time an OFFICER from your army issues a Regimental or Prefectus Order to a unit with this ability, you can select one or more friendly PLATOON units within 6" of that unit; those PLATOON units are also affected by that Order.
- Each time an OFFICER from your army issues a Mechanised Order (see right) to a unit with this ability, you can select one or more other friendly SQUADRON units within 6 of that unit; those SQUADRON units are also affected by that Order

Used By (2)