Pink Horrors

Type: unit
Category: Troops
Categories: Horrors, Infantry, Faction: Tzeentch, Troops, Faction: Chaos, Daemon, Core, Faction: Legiones Daemonica
EntryId: f871-ce62-9895-c5a0
Hidden: false
Costs: 7 PL140 pts
Options (5)
Battle Honours:
Rules (4)
Daemonic Invulnerablity
 Instead of a normal Save characteristic, each LEGIONES DAEMONICA datasheet has a Daemonic Save characteristic. This characteristic has 2 values. The first characteristic is used when a melee attack is allocated to that model, while the second characteristic is used when a ranged attack is allocated to that model. In either case, the saving throw cannot be modified in any way.
During deployment, you can set up this model in the warp instead of setting it up on the battlefield. If you do so, then in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases you can set this unit up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models, or more than 6" away from any enemy models and wholly within 6" of a friendly WARP LOCUS model that was on the battlefield at the start of the turn. If the WARP LOCUS has an Allegiance keyword, the unit being set up can only use this ability if it has the same Allegiance keyword.

If every unit from your army has the LEGIONES DAEMONICA keyword, then in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases, you can instead set this unit up anywhere on the battlefield with one of the following restrictions:
- Wholly within your deployment zone and more than 3" away from any enemy models.
- Neither wholly within your deployment zone nor within your opponent's deployment zone, and more than a number of inches away from away from each enemy unit, equal to the current Leadership characteristic of that enemy unit (to a minimum of 3" and a maximum of 9").
Daemonic Terror (Aura)
While an enemy unit is within 6" of this unit, subtract 1 from that enemy unit's Leadership characteristic and subtract 1 from any Combat Attrition tests taken for that enemy unit.
Warp Storm
This ability can be used to apply Warp Storm effects to eligible units from your army.


Exploding Horrors

While this unit only contains Blue Horror or Brimstone Horror models:
- This unit cannot perform actions.
- This unit can never gain the Objective Secured ability.


Each time an enemy unit shoots or fights, after resolving those attacks, if any Pink Horror, Iridescent Horror or Blue Horror models in this unit were destroyed as a result of those attacks but this unit was not destroyed, make a Split roll for each destroyed model. To make a Split roll, roll one D6: on a 4+, that model splits.
- If a Pink Horror or Iridescent Horror model splits, you can add up to 2 Blue Horror models to this unit (this can increase the size of this unit above its Starting Strength and does not change this unit's Power Rating).
- If a Blue Horror model splits, you can add 1 Brimstone Horror model to this unit.
- Each time a model is added to this unit, that model cannot be set up within Engagement Range of any enemy units unless those enemy units are already within Engagement Range of its unit.

Blue Horror










Brimstone Horror











add category Daemonic Disciples
add category Disciples of Be'lakor
Used By (1)
Chaos - Daemons(Catalogue)