Undivided - Blessing of the Dark Master

Type: upgrade
Categories: Pantheon Undivided
LinkId: 95e1-78a1-8c68-4144
Hidden: false
Costs: 2 PL30 pts


max(roster): 1


Favour of the Dark Gods
Blessing of the Dark Master

Each time an attack is made against this model, your opponent cannot re-roll the hit roll, cannot re-roll the wound roll and cannot re-roll the Damage roll.


Each time an attack is made against this model, an unmodified hit roll of 1-3 for that attack fails, irrespective of any abilties that the weapon or the model making the attack may have.


set PL 1
ancestor is War Dog-Class
set PL 3
ancestor is Tyrant-Class
1+ Disciples of Be'lakor in force (recursive)
set pts 20
ancestor is War Dog-Class
set pts 50
ancestor is Tyrant-Class
Used By (7)