Tzeentch - Pyrothrone

Type: upgrade
Categories: Tzeentch, Psyker
EntryId: 5400-4626-ca9e-ec95
Hidden: false
Costs: 2 PL35 pts


max(roster): 1


Favour of the Dark Gods
  • If this model is not a KNIGHT ABOMINANT, it gains the PSYKER keyword; it can attempt to manifest one psychic power in your Psychic phase and attempt to deny one power in your opponent's Psychic phase. This model knows Smite and one power from the Warp Storm discipline.
  • If this model is a KNIGHT ABOMINANT, it knows one additional power from the Warp Storm discipline and it can attempt to manifest one additional psychic power in your Psychic phase.

In each of your Psychic phases, you can re-roll one Psychic test taken for this model.


set PL 1
ancestor is War Dog-Class
set pts 25
ancestor is War Dog-Class
set pts 45
ancestor is Tyrant-Class