Corsair Voidreavers

Type: unit
Category: Troops
Categories: Faction: Aeldari, Faction: Anhrathe, Faction: Asuryani, Faction: Drukhari, Infantry, Corsair Voidreavers, Troops
LinkId: 7d71-abee-07d2-3e83
Hidden: false
Costs: 3 PL
Options (3)


Reavers of the Void:

Each time a model in this unit makes an attack, an unmodified hit roll of 6 automatically wounds the target (and is treated as an unmodified wound roll of 6).

Outcasts and Pirates:

If your army is Battle-Forged, this unit cannot be used as a compulsory selection in a Detachment (e.g. as one of only three Elites units in a Vanguard Detachment), unless that Detachment only contains ANHRATHE units.


add category Non-Compulsory Troop
0 Corsairs in force (recursive)
set PL 6
6+ model in Corsair Voidreavers (recursive)
set hidden true
1+ Ynnari: Strength From Death in force (recursive)
set hidden true
Used By (2)
Aeldari - Drukhari(Catalogue)