
Type: model
Category: Operative
Categories: Operative, WYRMBLADE, Tyranids, Genestealer Cults, Cult Agent, Locus
EntryId: 09e1-8e4b-d15a-95d2
Hidden: false
Options (6)
Rules (2)
Cult Ambush
During the first Turning Point, when this operative activated, you can change its order.

The first time this operative performs either a Fight or Shoot action in each of its activations, if its order was changed from Conceal to Engage during that activation, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, you can re-roll any or all of your attack dice results of one result (e.g. results of 2).
Preternatural Assassin
This operative cannot be equipped with equipment.

This operative has a 4+ invulnerable save.

Each time a shooting attack is made against this operative, in the Roll Defence Dice step of that shooting attack, before rolling your defence dice, if it is in Cover, you can do one of the following:
- Retain an additional dice as a successful normal save as a result of Cover.
- Retain one defence dice as a successful critical save instead of a normal save as a result of Cover.










Each time this operative fights in combat, in the Resolve Successful Hits step of that combat, you can resolve one successful hit before the attacker. If you do so, that successful hit must be used to parry.

Expert Swordsman

This operative can perform two Fight actions during each of its activations. Each time after this operative fights in combat, it can perform a free Charge action (even if it has done so during this activation) but can only move up to ⬛.

Unique Actions
Quicksilver Strike (1AP)

Once during this Turning Point, while an enemy operative is performing a Normal Move or Dash action and moves within ⬛ of this operative, you can interrupt that action to perform a free Charge action with this operative (it must finish that move within Engagement Range of that enemy operative, and if this operative has a Conceal order, change it to an Engage order to do so). If you do so, that enemy operative's activation without finishing their move, and you must then perform a free Fight action with this operative against that enemy operative. This action is treated as a Fight action for the purposes of action restrictions.