Tzaangor greatblade

Type: upgrade
EntryId: b3a7-8ac8-6423-1610
Hidden: false
Rules (3)
Reap x
Each time a friendly operative fights in combat with this weapon, in the Resolve Successful Hits step of that combat, if you strike with a critical hit, inflict x mortal wounds on each other enemy operative Visible to the friendly operative and within ▲ of it or the target operative. x is the number after the weapon's Reap, e.g. Reap 1.
Lethal x
Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, your attack dice results of equal to or greater than x that are successful hits are critical hits. x is the number after the weapon's Lethal, e.g. Lethal 5+.
Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, if you retain any critical hits you can retain one normal hit as a critical hit.


Weapons AWS/BSDSR!
Tzaangor greatblade




Lethal 5+

Reap 1