
Type: model
EntryId: 5655-32f6-9024-4d9c
Hidden: false
Costs: 200 pts


max(roster): 1
Options (2)
Rules (8)
Blessings of the Ancients
A Wizard that has this rule, and is within 6" of a forest, adds +1 to all attempts to cast and dispel spells.
Tree Aspects
At the start of each round of close combat in which they are fighting, models with this rule choose one of the Tree Aspects, the effect of which lasts until the end of that turn or until a new aspect is chosen. This is done before Impact Hits are resolved. All Dryads in the same unit must choose the same aspect. Dryads cannot choose the same Tree Aspects in two consecutive rounds of combat.
Instead of moving normally, the unit can walk the spirit paths during the Remaining Moves sub-phase. Remove it from play, and set it up so that the centre of the unit are within any wood on the table.
Forest Spirit
A model with this rule has Fear, Forest Strider, Magical Attacks, Immunity (Psychology). In addition, they have a Ward save (5+) which becomes a Ward save (6+) against Magical Attacks. However, units of Forest Spirits may only be joined by characters that are also Forest Spirits.
Eternal Rage
Drycha has Hatred which applies in every round of close combat, not just the first.
Fanatical Resolve
If Drycha suffers an unsaved Wound, her A increase by 1 for the remainder of the battle. Each time Drycha regains a Wound lost earlier in the battle, her A decrease by 1 for the remainder of the battle.
Roused to Wrath
This rule cannot be used if there are no forests on the battlefield when it is time to deploy your army. When you deploy, you may choose D3 units wholly composed of Forest Spirits – these are not deployed at the start of the game, but are ‘slumbering’ somewhere on the battlefield.

At the start of the Remaining Moves sub-phase of your first turn, roll a D6 for each slumbering unit. On a roll of 1-2, nothing happens – roll again next turn. On a roll of 3-6, the unit awakens. Place it on the battlefield so that all models in the unit are wholly within a forest, and at least 1" away from other units and impassable terrain. Treat units that cannot be placed as having rolled a 1-2. Any units that have not yet awoken by the time the game ends award victory points as if they had been destroyed.
If a Flammable model is attacked with a Flaming Attack, all failed To Wound rolls made by the attackers may be re-rolled.












Infantry (Special Character)

Tree Aspects
Birch Aspect

While in this Aspect, the Dryads gain +1 A.

Oak Aspect

While in this Aspect, the Dryads gain +1 T.

Willow Aspect

While in this Aspect, enemy models in base contact suffers -1 To Hit.


set max(roster) 0
1+ Drycha Hamadreth in roster (recursive)