Goblin Jester

Description: A Goblin Jester is placed in the front rank of the unit he is bought for, and may never leave the unit. Goblins are always encouraged by the presence of a Jester and gains a +1 bonus to their LD (on top of other rules such as Inspiring Presence) as long as the Jester is alive. Characters are not affected. On the downside however, Goblins are always distracted by Jesters so every turn the unit passes its animosity test, roll another D6. On the roll of a 1 the unit may do nothing for the rest of the turn. As Jesters are so energetic in battle it is almost impossible to hit the blighter in melee. Enemies must re-roll successful To Hit rolls against them in close combat. At the start of each round of close combat in which a Goblin Jester is involved, roll a dice and consult the "You Annoying Little…" table.