FAQ about BS and the WAP files

Description: Q: I can't find the data anymore in the list of downloadable data. A: Read the following: https://github.com/BSData/wh40k/issues/1706 Then do this: https://github.com/BSData/gallery#usage Q: I am on mobile and can not select Marks of Chaos/Vampire Bloodlines/Greenskin types/Special characters/RoR. A: Click the circle to select the variant. Q: Why is is magic item/rune X among the options of character/unit Y, even though Y can't equip the item according to the rules? A: Where it is sensible, this has been taken care of. Yet there are still cases in which a character has items displayed that they can not equip according to the rules. This is mostly the case for the generic magic items and factions that can't equip the mundane version of the item. For example, Ogres have generic magic shields listed among their options but can't equip a shield. Other example, Wood Elfs have magical plate armor listed but can't equip mundane plate armor. Another example is that Organ Guns have all runes listed but can't take some of them. This can't be changed efficiently. You just have to know your army and be aware of what you can equip and what you can't. Q: Something is wrong with the allowances. A: If you want BS to calculate your allowed percentage of allowances, you need to set a point limit. By default each list has a -1 point limit, which means you can do whatever you want. You have to set a point limit for your game for the allowances to be calculated. Q: Something is wrong with the allowances of my allied list. A: Do not put multiple forces into one roster. If you do, BS will calculate the allowances for the whole roster instead of calculating it for each army separately. If you want to make a list using the allied rules, make separate rosters for each army.