Crazed Khargrim

Type: model
EntryId: 168b-c869-7c59-e0f0
Hidden: false
Costs: 100 pts


max(roster): 1
Options (1)
Rules (9)
Khargrim may not join any units and can never be the army's general.
Khargrim always counts as charging in the first round of close combat.
Frenzied troops gain +1 A and Immunity (Psychology).

Berserk Rage
A unit that includes one or more Frenzied models can only choose Hold or Stand & Shoot as a charge reaction.

If, during the Charge sub-phase, a unit that includes one or more Frenzied models could declare a charge, then it must do so unless a LD test is passed. If the LD test is failed, the Frenzied unit must declare a charge against the nearest viable enemy.

A unit that includes one or more Frenzied models cannot choose to restrain pursuit if it beats a foe in close combat. It will either pursue (if the enemy has fled) or overrun (if the enemy was wiped out in combat). Note that if the enemy is wiped out in combat but the Frenzied unit did not charge that turn (or if the combat was the result of a pursuit or overrun charge in the same turn), then the Frenzied unit will reform as normal as it has no other choice of action.

Losing Frenzy
Frenzy can be lost. Models retain their Frenzy for the entire game unless beaten in combat.
Units entirely composed of models with this rule do not need to pass a LD test in order to march, regardless of the proximity of enemy units.
Unbrekable Models have Immunity (Psychology) and passes Break tests automatically. Characters that are Unbreakable may only join units that are also Unbreakable, and characters that are not Unbreakable are not permitted to join units that are Unbreakable (even if a character was to become temporarily Unbreakable for some reason).
If a Slayer is killed by normal Close Combat Attacks, it will immediately make a single Attack back against the unit or model that killed it before the Slayer is removed as a casualty.
Hatred (High Elves)
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
Dragon Slayer
A Dragon Slayer has Slayer. In addition, when attacking Monsters, the Slayer's attacks cause Multiple Wounds (D3).
Ancestral Grudge
Dwarfs always have Hatred (Orcs & Goblins, Skaven, Hobgoblins).


Brok Stonefist










Infantry (Special Character)