The Portalglyph

Type: upgrade
EntryId: 9dcb-bb84-6936-de2e
Hidden: false
Costs: 25 pts


max(roster): 1
max: 1


Enchanted Item
The Portal Glyph

If your army contains the Portalglyph, you can choose to keep a single unit in the Realm of Chaos instead of deploying it at the start of the game. The Portalglyph can be placed in any of your Remaining Moves sub-phases. If the bearer is slain, he must immediately place the Portalglyph before being removed as a casualty. In either case, place a counter or other suitable marker within 12" of the bearer and scatter it 3D6" (6D6" if he was slain). If the counter ends up off the board, or within 1" of a unit or impassable terrain, alter the scatter distance by the smallest amount possible to ensure the counter is placed 1" before or beyond the obstruction.

Once the Portalglyph has been placed, the unit in the Realm of Chaos can enter play through the Portalglyph during the Remaining Moves subphase of any subsequent friendly turn. When the unit does so, place it facing any direction, provided that: the rear of the back rank is in base contact with the counter, no model is more than 12" from the counter, and the unit is not within 1" of another unit, impassable terrain or the board edge. The unit can then move normally (but not march).