Wu Xia

Type: model
Category: Heroes
Categories: Heroes
EntryId: 70b5-2792-066f-d743
Hidden: false
Costs: 130 pts
Options (4)
Rules (3)
Wu Xia must always attempt to issue and accept challenges. While fighting in a challenge, they may re-roll all failed roll To Hit and To Wound.
Killing Blow
If a model with Killing Blow rolls a 6 to wound in close combat, they automatically slay their opponent – regardless of the number of wounds on the victim's profile. Armour saves and regeneration saves cannot be taken against a Killing Blow. Ward saves may be taken as normal.

Killing Blow is only effective against Infantry, Cavalry and War beasts. Against Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Cavalry and Monsters, a successful Killing Blow only inflicts one Wound which Ignores Armour saves. Against other troop types, it has no effect.

Note that if a Killing Blow attack wounds automatically, then Killing Blow does not come into play. Unless otherwise specified, Killing Blow applies only to close combat attacks.

For the purposes of combat resolution, successful Killing Blows score the same amount of Wounds as the slain model had remaining until the point of the Killing Blow was inflicted.

Unless specified, Killing Blow only applies to the model's normal Close Combat attacks.
Dodge (4+)
Models with this rule gain a Ward save against attacks in their front arc (including templates, Stomps and Impact Hits) as indicated in the brackets. This is cumulative with other sources of Dodge. This cannot be used against Magical Attacks that Hit automatically (such as spells or certain special rules), or that have Always Strikes First, nor can it be used if the model is subject to Always Strikes Last. Finally, Dodge cannot be used by mounted models, unless specified.


Wu Xia










Infantry (Character)