Grot Rock Lobber

Type: unit
EntryId: d1ee-e950-f17e-90ff
Hidden: false
Costs: 100 pts
Options (2)


Weapon TypeRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamage
Big Rock








Unit Abilities
Flatten the Lot of ’Em

This war machine can shoot at enemy units that are not visible to it. In addition, you can add 1 to the hit roll when targeting a unit that has 10 or more models.

Grot War Artillery

A Rock Lobber catapult can only move if its crew are within 1" at the start of the movement phase. If its crew are within 1" of the Rock Lobber in the shooting phase, they can fire the war machine. The war machine cannot make charge moves, does not need to take battleshock tests and is unaffected by any attack or ability that uses Bravery. The crew are in cover while they are within 1" of their war machine.

Load it Again!

When Rock Lobbers are fielded in batteries, frantic competition breaks out between the rival crews – typically because whichever performs best avoids the traditional post-battle beatings. If you roll a 6 or more to hit with a Big Rock and there is another Grot Rock Lobber crew from your army within 3" of the war machine, you can immediately make another Big Rock attack.

Used By (1)