Mournfang Pack

Type: unit
Category: Other
Categories: DESTRUCTION, OGOR, BEASTCLAW RAIDERS, Mournfang Pack, Other
LinkId: 2757-72c8-fbd0-4195
Hidden: false
Options (4)


Unit MoveWoundsBraverySave
Mournfang Pack





Unit Abilities
Banner Bearer

Models from this unit may carry Raiding Banners adorned with the skull of a great beast. You can re-roll dice rolls of 6 when taking battleshock test for a unit that includes any Raiding Banners. Furthermore, roll a dice whenever an enemy model flees whilst its unit is within 6" of any Raiding Banner from your army. On a 6, another model immediately flees form that unit.

Horn Blower

Models in this unit may be Horn Blowers.You can roll three dice and pick the two highest results when determining the charge distance for a unit if it includes any Horn Blowers.

Iron Fists

Each time you make a successful save roll of 6 or more for a Mournfang Pack armed with Iron Fists, and the attacking unit is within 1", the attacking unit suffers 1 mortal wound after all of its attacks have been made

Mournfang Charge

Each time a Mournfang Pack model completes a charge move, select an enemy model within !". On a roll of a 4 or more, that model suffers a mortal wound.


set hidden true
1+ Beastclaw Raiders in roster (recursive)
Used By (7)