Stormcast Warscroll Battalion: Thunderhead Brotherhood

Type: upgrade
Category: Warscroll Battalion
Categories: Warscroll Battalion, Battalion, Stormcast Warscroll Battalion
LinkId: 3c27-fba7-a1db-6a9d
Hidden: true


Battalion Organisation
Warscroll Battalion: Thunderhead Brotherhood

3 Liberators, Vindicators, or Vanquishers
3 JUDICATORS or Vigilors

Battalion Abilities
Wrath of the Storm

Once per turn, in the combat phase, when it is your turn to pick a unit to fight, you can pick 2 eligible units in this battalion instead of 1. If you do so, each of those units can fight one after the other in the order of your choice.


set hidden false
1+ selections of Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals in roster (recursive)
set hidden true
1+ selections of Allegiance: Draconith Skywing in roster (recursive)
Used By (1)