
Type: upgrade
Categories: STARBORNE
EntryId: a3db-d53d-b542-1396
Hidden: false


max: 1
Options (2)
Constellation Choice:


Battle Trait
Celestial Conjuration

You can summon STARBORNE units to the battlefield if you collect enough celestian conjuration points (CCPs). At the start of your hero phase you receive D3 celestial conjuration points if your general is a SLANN or STARSEER and is on the battlefield, and D3 celestial conjuration points if there are one or more friendly SAURUS ASTROTLITH BEARERS on the battlefield.

In addition, in your hero phase, before attempting to cast the first spell with each friendly SLANN or ORACLE, you can say that it will carry out a celestial conjuration. If you do so, you receive D3 celestial conjuration points but the number of spells which that model can attempt to cast in that phase is reduced by 1.

If you have 6 or more celestial conjuration points at the end of your movement phase, you can summon 1 or more units from the list to the battlefield and add them to your army. Each unit you summon costs a number of celestial conjuration points as shown on the list and you can only summon a unit if you have enough celestial conjuration points to pay its cost.

Summoned units must be set up wholly within 12” of a friendly SLANN, friendly ORACLE, or friendly SAURUS ASTROLITH BEARER and more than 9” from any enemy units. Subtract the cost of the summoned unit from the number of celestial conjuration points you have immediately after the summoned unit has been set up. Summoned units have the STARBORNE keyword.

Lords of Space and Time

At the end of your movement phase, you can pick 1 friendly STARBORNE unit anywhere on the battlefield to be transported through space and time.

If you do so, remove that unit from the battlefield and then set it up on the battlefield anywhere that is more than 9" from any enemy unit.


STARBORNE units have a Bravery characteristic of 10 instead of the Bravery characteristic on their warscroll.