
Type: unit
Category: Other
Categories: GRYPH-HOUNDS, ORDER, STORMCAST ETERNALS, Other, Infantry, Other
LinkId: a4c5-2fec-62f6-c4c3
Hidden: false
Options (4)
Stormcast Warscroll Battalions:


Unit MoveWoundsBraverySave





Unit Abilities

If this unit has 3 or more models, 1 model in this unit can be a Gryph-hound Alpha. Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of that model's Vicious Beak and Claws.

Darting Attacks

After this unit has fought and all of its attacks have been resolved, it can retreat 6".

Loyal Companion

Add 2 to the Attacks characteristic of this unit’s Beak and Claws while this unit is wholly within 6" of a friendly LORD-CASTELLANT or LORD-VERITANT.

Warning Cry

If an enemy reserve unit or summoned unit (core rules, 3.1) is set up on the battlefield for the first time within 12" of this unit, you can pick up to 3 friendly STORMCAST ETERNALS units wholly within 12" of this unit to shoot. Any shooting attacks made by a STORMCAST ETERNALS unit picked with this ability must target that reserve unit or summoned unit.


add category Coalition: Stormcast Eternals
1 selections of d43d-da9f-4261-e201 in roster (recursive)
add category Infantry
1+ selections of **Pitched Battle GHB 2022-23 S2** in roster (recursive)
set hidden true
1+ selections of Allegiance: Draconith Skywing in roster (recursive)
Used By (2)