Endless Spell: Soulsnare Shackles

Type: upgrade
Category: Malign Sorcery
Categories: ENDLESS SPELL, Malign Sorcery
LinkId: a15e-121b-8888-09a2
Hidden: false
Costs: 30 pts


max(roster): 1


Spell Casting ValueRange



If successfully cast, set up the parts of the endless spell wholly within 3" of each other and wholly within range of the caster.

Unit Abilities
Bound for the Great Oubliette

At the start of the movement phase, roll a dice for each unit within 6" of this endless spell. Subtract the result from that unit’s Move characteristic (to a minimum of 0) until the end of that phase. In addition, if a unit’s Move characteristic is reduced to 0 by this ability, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds


set pts 0
Used By (2)
Endless Spells(Catalogue)